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bizDAV - Distributed Authorization and Validation for Multiple Businesses and Web Applications

Security & System Administration Tool

bizDAV is a powerful application that provides companies with the ability to manage an unlimited number of users, security groups and clients, and their access privileges to different e-business applications, through licenses and functions. Incorporates firewall technology, audit logging, its own security model, and personal preferences for formats and layouts. It provides for one common place to deal with all security and access related issues. System administrators can easily manage user accounts and track user activity.

Who can use bizDAV?

Companies who host or rent e-business applications, or those who manage large user groups are ideally suited.

If your company is an e-business application provider, bizDAV can assist with client license administration for these applications. It can also be used to set up the users for each application and to assign users to specific security groups and functions.

If your company uses multiple web applications, they are likely used by different departments or employees, according to their specific job requirements; so, why give employees desktop access to programs they don't need? bizDAV solves this issue by managing the users and the applications they have access to.

If your company is thinking about hosting its own web-based applications in the Application Service Provider model, then bizDAV is a must for you.

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