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System Administration Level Features

  • Top-level System Administration - Administer system-wide attributes and permissions for all persons and businesses managed by bizDAV.
  • Factory Groups - Specify factory presets for groups. Quickly assign persons to pre-defined factory groups, instead of repeatedly creating groups and assigning functions to these groups.
  • Application Management - Manage an unlimited number of applications for the server.
  • Layout Management - Specify different layout choices that application users can select from for their personal layout style. Add or modify layout keys, date and number formats, fonts and colors. Templates can be added with ease. Provides control over application user-interface.
  • Firewall Management - Define firewall management rules for business, "System".
  • Licensing - Administer all licenses for businesses managed by bizDAV. Assign businesses time-limited licenses, for a defined number of users.
  • Customization - Create businesses to represent different company departments. Assign users and security groups to different businesses.
  • HQ Person Assignment - Specify a main person/s, at the business headquarters, who will function as the business' administrator.
  • Super User Access - Specify what application functions are accessible to Super Users.
  • Password Management - Define password management rules for business, "System".
  • Inactivity Timeout - Manage inactivity time limit for business, "System".
  • Audit Logging - View all recorded user activities in applications managed by bizDAV. Search feature provides audit information by date, user, recorded message, and client-browser address. Easily trace inappropriate or unauthorized activity.

Business Administration Level Features

  • Simplified Business Administration - One central location to administer users, groups, functions, and licenses. Centralized user database enables the administrator to handle user requests quickly and easily.
  • Security Groups - Create different security groups to suit company needs. Attach functions to these security groups to reflect different user access levels.
  • User Management Profiles - Add or manage persons in your business. Assign persons to defined security groups, as required.
  • Password Management - Easily define password management rules for your business. Passwords can incorporate both alpha and numeric characters and minimum character length can be defined. Password expiry dates enforce regular password changes.
  • Firewall Management - Internet access for your business can be specified here. Restrict or permit employees to specify wider internet access. Restrict or permit IP ranges. Control the amount of risk exposure for your business.
  • Audit Logging - View all recorded user activities in your business. Search feature provides audit information by date, user, recorded message, and client-browser address. Easily trace inappropriate or unauthorized activity.
  • Licenses - View what licenses (applications) are available to your business.

Standard User Level Features

  • Personal Preferences - A self-service feature to customize your own application - select from various color scheme templates, fonts, date and number formats.
  • Inactivity Timeout - Security feature to limit unauthorized access. Users can set the inactivity time limit for instant application logout, to meet individual needs. Increases user security awareness and accountability.
  • Personal Password Management - Enables users to change their own passwords. The password specified, here, is used in all applications managed by bizDAV.
  • Personal Firewall Management - Allows users to specify their own internet access, in accordance to that defined for the business.
  • Forgotten Password Restoration - Enables users who have forgotten their password to create a new password. Extensive research has enabled WEBAPPZ to implement the highest standards of security into this procedure. WEBAPPZ's proprietary "Ball" technology validates "requestor" and "receiver" IP address, email address, ball id, password question and answer, birth month and date.
  • Sign Up - An efficient way for new business clients to register themselves.
  • E-commerce - Users can purchase new licenses, online, using a valid credit card, and can specify number of users and license duration.

General Features

  • Sophisticated Login Functionality - Provides IP address restrictions, failed login auditing/lockout, password and account expiration.
  • Online Help - Complete help documentation to assist you with bizDAV tasks and functions.
  • Scalability - Easily scales from a single server to many web servers, application servers, and database servers to handle millions of users.
  • Ease of Use - Friendly interface and customization options reduce learning curve and increase user satisfaction.
  • Data Integrity - Data is safely stored in a reliable database, for transactional integrity and easy backup/restore procedures.
  • Accessibility - bizDAV is easily available to the desktop via an internet browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher, Netscape 6.0 or higher, or Safari 1.0.

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